Halloween Haunt Haul
Halloween is just a few days away, so we're going to take a look at a few more Halloween or horror-themed merch that we've picked up this year!
Harvester Plush - I've seen a bunch of Spirit Halloween walk-thru videos this year and this guy has been in the background for many of them. I thought it was a decoration, but he, to my delight, is a plushie! I was waiting for the right time to pull the trigger and I'm really happy I did. Since he's not just a decoration, he'll have a permanent presence on my bed!

This Super7 Creature from the Black Lagoon isn't a new figure, but he's one I've eyed for quite awhile. Rocking a design from the original movie, the creature looks good carded and the fact that I got him at a discount during an Amazon sale made him even better!

Fright-Rags Souvenir Cups - I spend most of October with the Munster's theme rolling around in my head. So, when I found a Munsters souvenir cup (I'd never even seen these before) I had to have it. But imagine my surprise when I also saw they had the Universal Monsters, too! Yes, I had to have them all. All of the heavy hitters are here--Dracula, Creature, Frankenstein and his bride, Wolf Man and the aforementioned TV family from 1313 Mockingbird Lane. I initially didn't care for some of the artwork, but I realize now that it's intended to resemble similar vintage cups from the 80's and 90's that you might've picked up at a gas station or fast food place. Now, I really like it.

McDonalds Halloween bucket. Four designs this year. I got the mummy as you can see. I'm wanting the Frankenstein and Dracula. They still have the stupid fake lid thing from last year's revival, but I'm just happy McDonald's brought them back.

Horror Megos! These aren't new, but I picked up Werewolf and Dracula from the Marty Abrams Mego relaunch from a few years back. I got these at a pretty steep discount and they look pretty good, especially the glow in the dark Dracula. I wish I could open them up because I really want to know what Drac is wearing underneath that cape. Is that inappropriate for our spooky little blog?

Walmart Halloween limited edition Softsoap - These aren't anything to scare your pants off, but I did want to make note that Walmart has gotten these Halloween-themed soft-soaps in for the past few years. There's another scarecrow this year and I got Frankenstein and Dracula last year. They're a simple thing, nothing on the caliber of Bath and Body, but I appreciate the design and simplicity of them.
