Super7 Monster in my Stocking Christmas ReAction figures announced
Super7 releases holiday-themed "Monster in my Stocking" blind bag 3.75" Universal Monsters action figures decked out in vintage red, green and white colors of Christmas past.

More than a day out from Halloween, I expected to "get a rock" in my trick or treating bag, but no, I'm getting a monster in my Christmas stocking.
Clad in packaging that looks like it came from 1963, each box contains one of the Frankenstein Monster, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, the Mummy or the Invisible man. Each is a recolored sculpt of a ReAction figure that Super7 has done before, but that doesn't make them any less charming. What gives me pause is having to buy blind bags. I hate that strategy. I would much rather pay $80 and get all four in special holiday packaging and be able to display them unopened. Now, I'll have to crack each one regardless. You can get them now from Super7 for $15 each or a flat of 12 for $180.

Okay, maybe I'll pick up one or two, but what I really want to know is "Where are my Universal Monsters holiday-themed Soapies?" Come on, Super7, you know you want to.
