Saturday Afternoon Haul - Batman '66, Hawkman and More
This week's short haul features three action figures I couldn't find in stores: Commissioner Gordon (from The New Adventures of Batman), Lord Death Man (from Batman '66 comics) and Hawkman (from the McFarlane line).
The Commissioner may look a little bit more like Alfred from Batman '66 than Gordon, but this is the top cop as he appeared in that series. Because all cartoons had a comic relief sidekick in that era, we also get Batmite.

The next figure comes from the Batman Manga and the more recent Batman '66 comic book line. Meet Lord Death Man. I love the name and the character design would have looked perfectly camp had he appeared on TV series. It's possible his macabre design would've been one step too far for the TV censors of the day.
Both Commissioner Gordon and Lord Death Man are from McFarlane Toys popular Batman Classic TV Series line of figures.

And finally, this is the New 52 era Hawkman from McFarlane Toys. The sculpt is very detailed and stands out with his bare-chested musclebound physique topped off with chest hairs. Why do we not get more of him in the comics again?
