Saturday Afternoon Haul: Earth 2 Robin, Marvel Legends Daimon Hellstrom and an Altered Beast Werewolf figure!

We're taking a little bit of a break from Halloween Haunt to share a few new action figures including McFarlane Toys Earth 2 Robin from Crisis on Infinite Earths, Marvel Legends Strange Tales Daimon Hellstrom and an Altered Beast Werewolf.
It's no secret that we're huge Robin (not Damain) fans here at Cereal Creatures. But this Earth 2 Robin stands out for two reason. One, his costume is so 70's/80's superhero in its design. The figure looks incredible and the design looks like a modernized version of the comics without "reimagining" as so many are wont to do with older characters. Two, it captures the story in a cool, but a little sad way. This Robin is Dick Grayson, who never gave up the Robin persona. I believe in the comics Bruce Wayne does move on and eventually dies, but Dick is still clad in his red, yellow and green.

Here's Marvel Legends Daimon Hellstrom from the Son of Satan series. I've read some of the comics, but the design is excellent. The character is similar in design to our own Teen Satan (completely by coincidence--I'd never heard of Son of Satan as our character is loosely based on a beefcake photo from the 50s/60s). This is part of a Build-A-Figure wave for a figure called Blackheart and includes a few other dark or stranger Marvel characters, but this is probably the only one we'll pick up. Although I'd love to do a custom Teen Satan figure from this sculpt.

I had no idea what Altered Beast was (apparently, it's a video aracde game from the late 80's). But as I perused the Walmart action figure aisle, this Werewolf was callilng (or howling?) out at me. I've started to appreciate the Universal Monsters Lon Chaney Jr. Wolf Man more these days, so just picking up this version of a werewolf ended up being a little FOMO, but also a great addition to the monster collection.
