Saturday Afternoon Haul - January 29,2022

Once again I'm doing a bit of catch up... so this haul, as well as a couple more to follow are a mix of items I've picked up over the past 3 months or so.
The first item is definitely the strangest of my recent pickups. I came across it at the local antique mall. I was immediately drawn to it for some reason... either due to the colors and unique look of it or I felt as though I had seen it before somehow somewhere, but couldn't put a finger on it. Either way I had to have it. Not knowing much about it, a little research revealed it to be the WITCH from the Mattel "Squishies" toy line in 1971. There were only two produced... the other being a Troll-like character called "Oddbod". The are wax filled squishy figures that stand around 4 inches tall. Originally flexible and pliable, they could be "smooshed" and "squished" into distorted poses.
The second group of additions are to my ongoing Universal Monsters 3.75" "Reaction" figures collection. The card artwork by Ed Repka always makes these hard to turn down. The Mummy seems to find something off to his right pretty damn entertaining.
It came as a pleasant surprise when these were announced in the Super 7 "Reaction" line. Paying homage to the great (and extremely expensive and hard to find) AHI Super Monsters of the 70s, The Creature from the Black Lagoon comes in 2 different versions, paying homage to the 2 different sculpts in the great (but extremely expensive and hard to find) (Azrak Hamway (AHI) Super Monsters of the 70s. The box artwork is all recreated from the original packaging. Must haves.
After having seen numerous people talk about them online and hearing they were rather difficult to find in the wild, this was an unexpected find at Spirit Halloween this year. I thought it to be reminiscent of Eddie's "Woof Woof" doll in THE MUNSTERS and had a cheesy yet vintage feel to it.

The final pick up was something I had debated getting for awhile, mainly due to its size. I had delayed too long and discovered that they had long sold out on To my surprise, I came across the last one available at local toy store 1313 Mockingbird Lane. I wasn't going to let this nearly 20 inch tall Herman Munster slip away again. Due to the stellar artwork, he will be staying in his box.
