Saturday Afternoon Haul - July 2, 2022
On this special July 4th holiday weekend, we at Cereal Creatures take no break when it comes to brining the newest and most interesting (to us, at least) figures, comics and collectibles to our readers. Today, we have a variety of things we've been wanting for awhile now and luckily they all just happened to come together for this weekend!
1) Batman Beyond - The new released Mego 8" version of Batman Beyond looks great with 90's artwork in the classic Mego packaging. The sculpt is right on, making the caped alter ego of Terry McGinnis a perfect contender for your collectible shelf.

2) The Bride of Frankenstein - The third in my quest to collect this line of Jada's Universal Monsters figures (Dracula is still out there somewhere). I'm newly warming to the character of the Bride of Frankenstein and this figure is very well done. I almost wish I could break the seal so I could position her "scream reaction" head on the figure instead of the standard. I'm definitely getting an Elsa Lanchester vibe, which is more than the likenesses of Lugosi or Karloff in their respective characters' figures.

3) Dr. Beverly Crusher - This is Star Trek: The Next Generation, so I will eventually get all of the figures in this 3.75" line. I have all but the Borg from the first wave and the Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer, the stalwart Dr. Beverly Crusher is the first I've grabbed in wave 2. One of my favorite TNG characters from the beginning, these ReAction Super7 figures are exceptionally well done and she'll go right up on display with her crewmates awaiting for the remainder to beam in.

4) Kevin Keller Celebration Hardcover - A few days short of Pride month, comes a hardcover omnibus of Kevin Keller's stories from his first appearance in Veronica #202 to an all-new story just for this collection. I originally scored this as part of a Kickstarter campaign from Archie Comics' own Dan Parent, who signed this copy! Kevin Keller is a positive, ground-breaking character and I'm excited to have this collection on my shelf!
