Saturday Afternoon Haul - July 3, 2021

It's a DC Nation afternoon haul!
I finally got the Superman Zero Hour graphic novel. This was DC's 1994 reboot/soft reboot. This is the follow-up to the the Batman version and the event book itself.
Batman by Joh Ridley. Most collecting Ridley's other Bat work. I haven't opened it. yet, but the book copy doesn't include the all-new stories mentioned in the solicits.
Diversity is a Superpower. I love these hard-boarded kids books--for their 70/80's-style art And this one has, as I'd hoped, some newer characters like Jackson Hyde Aqualad! (and it looks incredible!)
Superman: Future State. I didn't care for the Superman family Future State books as much as the Bat books, but the regular line appears to be heading in this direction with Jon Kent taking over from Clark.
And finally, Doom! Doctor Doom!