Saturday Afternoon Haul - November 5, 2022
Now that spooky season is behind us and boy are our scarecrow's arms tired (lame joke), let's take a look at some of our latest toy haul spoils from this year's harvest!
First up is McFarlane's Page Puncher line featuring Batman and Superman. These figures are great and look like Lee Bermejo's art has hopped off the page and into an action figure. Both include a Black Adam comic book, though I haven't cracked them open to see what the comic actually is. It says exclusive comic book, so I assume it's not the Black Adam series currently in stores.

It's the cool, cruel Mr. Freeze! I haven't picked all of the new Batman '66 figures, but I knew I had to pick up the Otto Preminger Mr. Freeze. Also, there's the new McFarlane Owlman! As the creator of multiple Owl comics, how could I pass up this guy?

I don't pickup a lot of the Spawn or Mirrorverse figures, but I got these two collectibles on discount at a local Gamestop. Bloody Spawn looks great and goes along with a few other Spawn figures I picked up for their looks (Haunt and Soul Crusher). The Baloo harkens back to my days of watching Disney's TailSpin as part of the Disney Afternoon! And with such a huge discount, I just couldn't pass it up, plus it's a McFarlane figure so you know it looks great, too!

Our final figures today come from NECA and the world of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, specifically the first live action movie. Casey Jones and April O'Neil are great sculpts and will display wonderfully on my shelf. I passed on these figures when they first showed up at my local Walmart earlier this year, but given a second chance, I went for it. Who could pass it up Casey Jones in those revealing sweat pants?
