Saturday Morning Cartoon Show #2: The Lamented Vol. 1, Chapter 1 - Read a Free Comic (Manga)
Welcome to the second week of Saturday Morning Cartoon show on Cereal Creatures where you can read a free comic online! Our first chapter of a new series is an all-ages, original comic called The Lamented. It borrows a little bit from the world of manga with a nod to one of my favorite golden age comics, Boy King and Giant.
How This Works: We'll post a chapter of one of our Saturday Morning Cartoon Show exclusive series each week in March, then it'll be every other Saturday. You can read them right here on Cereal Creatures for free. After each post, we'll have a bonus option. It will either be exclusive content, a related comic or merchandise we host in one of our online stores. If you like the comic, we ask that you support us. But, you don't have to! Now, on with the Show!
The Lamented
Volume One
Chapter One
Art and Story By Brian Osbourn

