Smelly Brand Air Freshener T-shirt
This Halloween, we are very excited to bring Cereal Creatures our own brand of air fresheners based on our own characters. Just kidding. No, we're not bringing you the actual air fresheners, but we are brining you artwork of them! Based on the classic character-based air fresheners from Wizard that would appear in department, drug and grocery stores in the 1980's around Halloween, Christmas and Easter, we've adapted them for own Owlverse characters! Limited colors, cellophane wrapping and vintage 80's designs are all here in this artwork that highlights some of our most popular characters including Teen Satan (in black or orange box), Kid Drac, Green Owl and Gourd Rotter, the Pumpkin Man.

You can get a t-shirt and other items featuring our Smelly brand characters at our store on Rebubble!